Saturday, December 19, 2009

Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism --


(a) To promote understanding, mutual respect and co-operation between people of different religions.

(b) To study and resolve problems affecting all inter religious relationships.

(c) To make representations regarding religious matters when necessary.

(d) To advance and promote the religious, cultural, educational and social rights and interests of the religious bodies.


(a) To uphold and promote the ideas as enunciated in the Rukun Negara.

(b) To promote unity, harmony and understanding amongst people of different religions through conferences, seminars and other channels.

(c) To print, publish and distribute journals, periodicals, leaflets or books that the Executive Committee may consider desirable for the promotion of its objects, with the proviso that, prior approval must be obtained from the competent authority.

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