charles davenport will forever be known as the founder of eugenics in america. this is not to say that he did not receive support from his fellow ignorant minded businessmen who supplied the capital for his research. the eugenics research board was created in 1910 and was closed just in time for the beginning of world war II in 1939. one of the primary donors to the eugenics research that coincidentally, highlighted the superiority of the aryan race, was the carnegie institution. the term eugenics was coined by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin in the late 19th century. by the time the 1900's rolled around, every "civilized" nation had blossoming fields of eugenics research.
the idea of racial supremacy and nazi-era germany go hand in hand. few take the time to step back a see that most anglo-saxon nations developed research programs in coordination including germany, the united states, and the united kingdom. it is not hard to imagine the era that surrounded world war II, eugenics would become a staple to all regimes bent on the brutal suppression of is various ethnic populations. anti-semitism is the most notable mind set attributed to eugenics and the holocaust. the mindset behind aryan scientist who felt a great degree of inferiority towards their semetic brethren, led to winding dead end trails. these trails were an attempts at justifying the superiority of the aryan race in contrast to the african native. in 1929 with the publication of race crossing in jamaica, mr. davenport made his initial intentions clear in an absent minded attempt at genealogy to justify the aryan race.
it is a wonder that the proponents of eugenics chose to blame others for the alleged shortcoming of their neighbors. im sure the constant reminder in the eye of their friends and family, of their own personal short comings were sufficient. one need only look to the royal families of european nobility during the 18th and 19th century to discover the ignorance of a master race. hemophelia ran through europes families that chose to stay wed and reproduce along a very thin genetic line.
the 1927 supreme court ruling in favor of the state of virginia and its policy of compulsory sterilization for "feebleminded" individuals, was a landmark case that reaffirmed a bitter practice. the mere fact that the word "feeblemind" was used as legal term is a stark reality to the mentality of the united states government in the 1920's.
the first phase of the nazi eugenics program was the systematic screening of all german citizans. the process identified children that were mentally impaired, who were then starved or poisoned to death. forced sterilization was in the 100,000's during the nazi era of europe.
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