Monday, June 22, 2009

king mob and the anarchy of the state:

seeds for the devils insurrection

andrew jackson was the seventh president of the united states. his success in the war of 1812, his subsequent victory over the maroons and seminoles in florida, edified his image to the american public. he carried the ideals of manifest destiny to its most lethal extremes. the legacy he would leave in the wake of his official duties would be known as "jacksonian democracy". jacksonian democrats would become the confederate minded individuals that would eventually form the South during the american civil war. andrew jacksons name will remain synonymous with every ideology designed to oppress any groups of people systematically through the democratic process. president jacksons presidency would be summed up with the events that surrounded his inauguration. the jacksonian democrats felt that the legal voting age should be lowered to eighteen, this was a central campaign issue. in honor of his supposed populous tendencies, president jackson held the first presidential inauguration open to the general public. the white house became overcrowded with eager jacksonian supporters. reportedly the crowd became so rambunctious that tubs of punch and bottles of liquor were placed on the white house lawn to lure people out. jacksons form of fanatical democracy preyed on the uneducated, yet earned him the distinct title "King Mob".

jackson would see to the creation of legislation that would directly result in the mass exodus of native americans who inhabited land that stretched the mississippi valley to the coast of georgia and florida. the indian removal act was signed by andrew jackson in 1830, the united states quickly ceded southern land along the mississippi. under the guise of a false treaty known as new echota, andrew jacksons successor to the presidential seat enforced the removal of native american from what is present day west georgia, mississippi, alabama, and arkansas. these states would become that back bone to the southern slave institution. older slave holding colonies had overused their land with the unforgiving tobacco and cotton crops. georgia was the southern most point of the united states prior to the trail of tears.

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