Monday, July 27, 2009

As regular readers of this blog know, we’ve had a tangle or two with CNN’s in-house immigrant-basher, Lou Dobbs. In 2007, we had a major dustup with the host of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” over his wholly false claim that 7,000 new cases of leprosy had appeared in a recent three-year period in the United States, due at least in part to immigrants. (The reality was that about 400 new cases appeared during the period, and it’s not known if any of them were linked to immigrants.) The battle subjected Dobbs a series of humiliations, including being described by The New York Times as a man with “a somewhat flexible relationship with reality.”

To the surprise of very few familiar with Dobbs, the CNN host is at it again. Now, he’s joined with the conspiracy nuts pushing the wholly unsubstantiated claim that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, and therefore cannot legally hold the office of president. The fact that this claim has been disproved by CNN’s own reporters seems to mean nothing at all to Dobbs, who has come in for criticism in recent days from all kinds of quarters for joining hands with the “birthers.”

Today, Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, sent a letter to CNN President Jonathan Klein asking for action. “Respectable news organizations should not employ reporters willing to peddle racist conspiracy theories and false propaganda,” Cohen concludes in his letter. “It’s time for CNN to remove Mr. Dobbs from the airwaves.”

Cohen also wrote Klein in 2007 about Dobbs’ leprosy claims, but CNN took no action. Dobbs has also promoted a series of other falsehoods and conspiracy theories about immigrants.


  1. A battle brewing over legalizing 20 plus illegal immigrants and their family members, is not just a political war that will have dire consequences for just American workers, but for the whole population that pays taxes? The testimonial of Robert Rector an outspoken analyst with the Heritage Foundation, that legalizing the lawbreakers will cost $2.5 Trillion dollars in escalating taxes, just to pay for retirement and pensions? Because of the decades of indifference of Washington, we are now stuck with a massive occupation of foreign nationals and their families. Now the lawmakers are looking for an easy way out. For all those years of businesses who have intentionally seek cheap labor, thereby dumping the whole financial burden on every US taxpayer.

    Their years of lobbying less reputable members of the House and Senate, has paid off admirable. Business have lined their pockets and never paid their illegal employed labor any health care, schooling for the children or the massive welfare benefits? Upcoming is President Obama's promise to the countless numbers, who have invaded our country must not happen. These politicians have compromised our quality of life, our language and our culture. Under pressure from many open border globalist organization our politicians have murdered many immigration enforcement laws. E-Verify--a composite of the SAVE ACT was almost shelved, as they are now straining at the leash to weaken local police action 287(g), the NO MATCH LETTER and even ICE raids.

    Currently we are teetering on the edge of OVERPOPULATION, with even our government acknowledging our numbers will rise to 440 million in just forty years. Our country can do without Federal mandates that includes free medial care, education, low income housing--Section 8, food stamps, just a name of few free government handouts. All these benefits should go to American families who are in need. GOOGLE--about the growing chaos in Europe from the importation of legal and illegal immigrants. GOOGLE--the disguised costs that are forced on taxpayers, not disclosed by the media or Congress. America is in survival mode now with nearly 10.5 percent jobless, home foreclosures, car repossessions, health care and more.

    USE YOUR VOTING POWER TO CONTACT YOUR POLITICIANS AT 202-224-3121 Believe it! Your voices are having a crucial effect.? Support for the bi-partisan SAVE Act, which will expand E-Verify and protect American Workers! We must focus on the cornerstone to this major problem-the jobs that attract illegal aliens. It would phase in a requirement for every employer to use the electronic E-Verify system. We must also be aware that the Democrats are ready to open the gates to our nation, once a path to citizenship is announced. GOOGLE--the facts at NUMBERSUSA, AMERICANPATROL

    Update: one of the authoritative Capitol Hill publications suggests that minority Caucuses and all those here undocumented, is quite pleased with the way the current House health plan will provide coverage for illegal aliens. YES! To government health care for Americans. Definitely NO! Free health care for those here illegally?

  2. A wonderful example of how misinformation can disseminate into the most senile of minds. The use of illegal and legal is the key term here. By villanizeing the small portion of the physical working populous in the United States, that is here under labor conditions, Nativists are able to portray a United States that is teetering on the edge of overpopulation. This empirically fallacious statement falls miles short of the truth. The migrant workerer moves to and from Mexico to the U.S. for work that demands their travel. We outsource jobs everyday because we know that the most basic of labor positions can be filled by the migrant be he or she legal or illegal. The ability for the Rhetorician to apply the term legal/illegal is a simple ploy to divert attention from an economy that relies whole heartedly on the "physical" man-power of the migrant worker. The truth is that by painting the helpless migrant worker the villain, they are able to draw the attention away from the real evils, business and finance industries that care very little for the quality of life that their actions afford. To borrow a term from Lewis Mumford, we live in "a Pecuniary Economy", the desire for profit is the end and be all of our actions.

    I will close with some words of wisdom from the Great Lewis Mumford, perhaps his wisdom may cast a clear picture on the realities of lies and how we villanize unnecessarily ".. for what is true of human beings in the mass is equally true of self-elected rulers and leaders: in any case, the problem is to increase the area of rational judgements and rational political activity, and to divert or sublimate those forces which are inimical to co-operation. To the extent that political power becomes rationally conditioned and successfully diffused by education, the individual citizen will be reluctant to sacrifice his own initiatives and his own judgements to the terroristic monopoly of dictatorship. The impotence of many is the power of the few-- and vice-versa.
